Saturday, February 02, 2008

way tooo long!!!!!!!!

I know this post is long overdue, but here goes.....

Thanksgiving: Went to MN to see the Shogren family. We stayed with Phil, Heather, Zak and their soon-to-arrive (in may) little lady. Amanda, Dan, Dheaven, Mom and Dad Shogren and all of us played games, hung out, ate a ton...yummy soupd and lasagna, breads, etc....

CHRISTMAS: We stayed in Iowa. Went to Christmas Eve service at Grace Church and came back to our home and got ready for Santa. Christmas morning we opened presents. The girls got Barbie's, High School Musical 2 Dolls, coloring books and crayons & pjs. Mason got Pjs, socks, a few new toys and sippy cups and bowls. After that we headed to gma nad Gpa Stout's in Ankeny nad opened presents. Morgan got a horse stable, Madison got a veterinarian kit, and Mason got some new little toys, Also Mom STout crocheted hats and scarves for the girls....awesome! We ate dinner and then Dan and Amy came up with Kylie and she opeened her presents...she was a little interested in presents, but what can you say, she is not even 2 yet!

NEW YEAR: We had the coolege kids over for the night. We had appetizer and desserts. We played Guitar Hero, Presidents/ Vice President (couch game) and chatted until the ball dropped. The girls stayed the night at Gma and Gpa Stout's house...they love going there.

NOW: two weeks ago was a bit rough.....Madison and I had the tummy flu, Tim had a tooth pulled, Morgan's hands were all chapped from all of the handwashing at school....and Mason is/was teething and fighting a cold. This past Wednesday I took the little bubba to the doctor and he hada double ear infection and STREP! Poor kid....he isn't sleeping or eating well....and he loves both of those things! He is really growing...he weighed 19. 12 lbs and was 27.5 inches at this check-up.

Other than all of that mishap...we are doing well... Tim is doing great at work...I am working 2 days a week watching the Boyds' kids up in Ankeny (gets me out of the house). the girls are busy with school. Madison is working on her +/- facts, learning about Jamestown and she loves reading! I cannot keep enough books in stock...thank the Lord for the LIBRARY!
Morgan is getting taller....she is outgrowing all of her pants in the length, but she is toooo skinny to move upa size, even with the adjustable waist! Poor thing. She is going to pre-K 3 days a week, all day. She likes taking her own lunch and playing "homework" when she gets home!

Besides his cold, Mason is teething, he is working on his top two teeth...the bottom two arrived a few days before Christmas. He is a rolling machine and I have to be careful of what's on the floor....he likes playing on his tummy and the rolling to his back to "scooth" to get something that is out his grasp.. Also, for a while each day I set a mirror in front of him (on the floor- he is either next tro it or in his exersaucer) and he jabbers away to his "friend." He's so vain!

Hopefully the pics will post....okay...Ican't that to work right Stout pics will come later when I have more patience!


mattandshannon said...

I wanted to comment so that you'd have the link to our blog. Glad to hear that things are going well for you. :)

The Linsers said...

Pics???? What pics????