Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pumpkins, Costumes, and FUN!

Last weekend we went to the Pumpkin Farm . The weather was gorgeous: sunny and 70 degrees with a good breeze to keep Tim's allergies at bay! It was our first full day outing as a family of 5 and we had a BLAST! Mason did great and the girls LOVED playing in the sun and hangin' out at the farm. We got to pick out pumpkins, ride a hay ride, play in the corn barn, ride trikes, pet goats, milk a pretend cow, eat sweet caramel apples and popcorn, and just enjoy a gorgeous fall day!

Now we are starting to plan and organize Halloween costumes. Morgan is going to be Snow White (she already has the play dress and so we'll put warm clothes underneath and put a red head band in her hair) and Madison wants to be Cinderella...I am going to try the consignment shops for a pretty dress and then hit Wal-Mart or the $1 store for a crown, gloves, etc.... Mason...I have no clue, maybe I'll find something while we are looking for Madison. Speaking of Mason....he is laughing like crazy these days. He loves it when Morgan & I sing songs ( Wiggles Cd, Christian songs, whatever) and he just laughs the whole time! It's soooo fun! Madison reads to him every night while I make dinner and he loves that too!He is also trying to sit up so we bought him a BUMBO (here a link for a pic.... http://bumboseat.com/ ) , so he can sit and play. He also sits at the dinner table with us now...that's a hoot! THis boy is sooooo interested in food...he stares at us and watches us so intently while we eat. We plan to start cereal or oatmeal next week. Hooray...more of a break for me....up until last week he was still eating every 2 hours, but now we have it stretched to 2 1/2- 3 hours...WA-HOO! He is sleeping about 7-8 hours straight at night (8:30 pm- 3:30-5am) and then he eats and goes back to sleep until about 7:00 am. What a good little man!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer....

Okay...the title of this Blog comes from Gilmore Girl Season 3 DVD that I have been watching in the evenings when I get some "down time." and that song "those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, " is still stuck in my head! :) Can you believe fall starts on Saturday?

Sorry, I haven't posted much lately, I am just busy being a mom and homemaker! Right now Mason is on a growth spurt and learning to go to sleep on his own. Morgan is still adjusting to having a baby brother....we have seen quite a bit of attitude, but we are workin' out the kinks to help her. Madison is enjoying school, although she did say she misses kindergarten. Also, last week she lost her two front teeth...the tooth fairy came and brought her $1 (for both teeth).

PRAISE! We got our new stove last Saturday! $150 and it has all of the same features as my old one! THANK YOU LORD!

Here are a few pics....

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Back to School...HOORAY!

Okay, I have to admit that I love schedules, routines and SCHOOL! Madison went back to school, as a first grader, this past Monday and Morgan has started preschool ( M-W-F 8-11). We are back to the routine of school and early bed times! This week the girls and Mason have been alseep by 8:30 p.m. and so Tim and I have enjoyed some quiet evenings together!

We (our whole family) are excited for the football season to start...we love it! We love attending high school games on Friday nights, watching college ball on Saturdays (GO HAWKEYES) and then on Sundays we like cheering on various NFL teams and keeping track of our weekly picks in Tim's trusting notebook!

Here are a few pics from this week....

Madison- First Grade

Morgan- Preschool

Matching Cheetah Backpacks from Gma Shogren

Stout Family Pics (below): our family and then Tim's entire family

Friday, August 10, 2007


Can you believe it is mid-August already??!! The CORN -dog days of summer are here... aka the good ol' steamy heat and the Iowa State fair! Also, the girls start school in a little over a week. Madison will be in first grade Morgan will attend preschool (age 4) three mornings a week. I can't believe school is here again...where did the summer go?

This next week we are on vacation...staying home...Tim's brother and his family will be here (@ Gma nad Gpa Stout's in Ankeny) for the week. FUN TIMES! The girls will love playing with their California cousins, Evan (3 1/2) and Sydnie (2), this week.

Well- that's all there is to report right now...I will leave you with a few pics I took yesterday!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

it's getting better all the time

Life is in full swing! Like our friends, the Dykstras, we have made full use of our FLEX account this year! Praise the Lord we are all healthy (as of this moment in time) and adjusting to life as a family of 5!
Last Thursday Mason went to the doctor for his 2 week check-up and he weighed 9 lbs 5 oz and he was 20.5 inches long...by now I think he is almost 10 lbs...he's a little porker! HOORAY! He is a great baby....only cries when he is hungry or when you change his diaper! We are working our way back to full-time breastfeeding (after the break I took to pump while I had mastitis). I am still pumping a bit after each feeding so that we have enough breastmilk for the nighttime feedings...Tim takes the night shift...WHAT AN AMAZING HUBBY!and below is a picture of how I often find them in the morning....

Last weekend, My brother and his family came to visit. We spent Saturday at the zoo! It was sooo fun to watch the girls play with Zak (my nephew). Zak loved pushing around the girls' baby strollers...hmmm....maybe I'll get him one for his b-day in October! I'll try to find a blue one, I don't think his daddy would like his son pushing around a pink stroller! :)
Stouts at the zoo

Heather, Zak and Phil at the zoo

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Are you serious????? mastitis and bed rest!

Well- things this week have been a little crazy... by Wednesday evening I was in the midst of full blown mastitis (fever, chills, sore and inflamed right breast)...I had to wait for Tim to get home from work so I could go to the doctor...not driving yet and I have 3 kids and myself to get out of the house........I tried calling the doctor having them prescribe something over the phone to my pharmacy, but they said they HAD to see me first...HELLO????...3rd baby, had this before, I think I know what it is...anyway saw doctor and went on antibiotic numero uno, doctor said no breastfeeding for 5 days, only pumping, and rest...how do I do that now that I 3 kids and a hubby....Thursday Timmy stayed home with me and the girls, went and got me a hospital-grade pump and I slept and pumped all day....as of Friday i was feeling better, but the right breast was still inflamed and very red....numero uno antibiotic wasn't working and so back to the doctor I went....drove myself this time.... (Gma Stout had already come and taken the girls to the park and on a picnic for most of the day)...got a new antibiotic....pumping was soooooo hurting on the right side and I was getting ZERO MILK....I was getting MUCHO emotional and MUY frustrated...as you can only imagine....called lactation lady at hospital (we had been conversing quite a bit up to this point and she knew all details) we went in for an appt today....she gave me a larger piece for pumping b/c my breast/nipple was so swollen and getting blistered from my current shield causing all of the pain on top of the infection pain....and she put my on bedrest for the weekend and she said if the breast didn't look better by Sunday (give #2 antibiotic 24-36 hours to work) then she wants me to go back to the doctor again....she doesn't want me to end up in the hospital on IVs or to have me form an abcess in the breast.... ahhhhhh! So now I pump/rest/nurse Mason the left when can and rest and watch Gilmore Girls DVDs.....Tima nd the girls have been great! Timmy is trying sooooooooo HARD to get the house stuff done, keep up with the girls, run errands, and play nurse to me......what a man! what a mighty good man! Praise the Lord for hiM! Mason is GREAT! He eats, sleeps and POOPS! He has been FABULOUS throughout this whole ordeal! PRAISE GOD!

well, time to get back to bed! Please pray fora speedy recoverY!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's a boy!!!

Mason Samuel Stout
Born on Monday, July 2nd, 2007
@ 6:08 p.m.
8.25 oz and 20 inches long

Stout family- Party of Five

Mason- one week old

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The waiting game.....

Well, our doctor's appt. went well this morning...dilated to almost 3 and still about 70-80% effaced....baby has dropped some....everything is ready and up to the Lord...SOOOOOOO.....now we wait....the latest we will wait is next Tuesday b/c that's when we will probably induce labor....HOORAY!

We are excited! The girls are beside themeselves- theny can't wait to hug and kiss their new baby brother or sister! I am feeling great....it's been hot and so if we have a busy day I am swelling a bit at night in my feet and hands...doctor said TO TAKE IT EASY....my blood pressure is creeping toward the high side, but that is VERY NORMAL for me at this stage of my pregnancy....everything else is GREAT!

Thanks for praying.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Happy 6th Birthday, Madison!

Happy Birthday to my sweet, six-year-old, Madison! Wow, I cannot believe she is turning six!

What a sweetheart and true joy she is to be with and raise! She loves horses, reading and crafts!She is very tenderhearted about her friends and the things of the Lord. Last summer she placed her trust in Christ as her Savior and She has recently expressed a desire to be baptized and we are waiting until after the baby is born to schedule her big day of Obedience! Another party will be thrown!

Today is her b-day party day! We are having her first friend party from 1-3 p.m. and it's an Ice Cream theme! FUN! Tonight is Her family party this evening with G,a & Gpa Stout, Uncle Dan, Aunt Mia, Cousin Kylie, Uncle Martin and we are grilling hot dogs and having campfire to make S'mores....Madison LOVES to make s"mores and chat around the camp fire!
**THis all in one day b/c of the momma's condition. :) What a fun day it will be!
Now, we can start LABOR stuff anytime after 8:00 p.m.......HOORAY! The home stretch is here!!!!!!

**Well- I'm off to finish the final touches on her day...a trip to the grocery store is needed...delayed due to all of the rain we had yesterday, but praise the Lord it should dry out by tonight!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's day...We're ready...less than 2 weeks to go!

We enjoyed a wonderful Father's Day weekend here at the Stout house. Friday afternoon Tim took a half day off and we went to Ankeny to spend some time with Gma and Gpa Stout. We stopped by Target and picked out a new pack-n-play w/ bassinet and then we had a pizza dinner with the grandparents! FUN! That night Tim went to the races at the Fairgrounds with his dad, his brother and his friend. They had a blast! Saturday, we vegged (it was HOT!) and we just had a low-key day around home. The girls and Tim made a trip to get the oil changed on the van and Saturday night the girls went to church to play while we had a date night at home. We had grilled BBQ chicken, veggies and baked potatoes for dinner & watched Pretty In PInk...Long story...I am educating Tim on all of the GREAT 80s flicks he has missed out on. A few others on my list are Footloose, 16 Candles, The Breakfast Club, Mannequin, Dirty Dancing, etc... poor guy! Any suggestions are welcome! After our date we picked up the girls and went out for ice cream at Granny's- it's the BEST! Sunday we headed to church with dan and Amy at First Federated...the church was having a Father's Day Rally and a Car Show and it was fun! After the rally and touring the cars, we headed to Famous Dave's for a late lunch/ early supper! YUMMO! Home for naps and then ice cream again @ Granny's later that night!

Pregnancy- 2 weeks and counting. We are ready as we'll ever be...I guess....we still haven't purchased "going home" outfits but that's b/c we don't know how close this baby's arrival will be to the 4th of July....so we're waiting....maybe I'll just pick some things up this week! I am feeling okay...I am having a few contactions here and there (unlike with the girls), lots of back aches that come and go, days of tons of energy and days of exhaustion.....just normal pregnancy stuff...the baby is still a mover and shaker.... At my last appt. I had dropped a pound and that has been the case the past two weeks....hmmm???? ONly 2 weeks to go! Also, doc said I may be induced if I am 3 soon and/or we will schedule an induction in the next 2 weeks b/c of an office merger and they want to make sure I get a doctor that I know! GREAT! I am headed back to the doctortomorrow afternoon, I CAN'T WAIT, and they will check to see if anything is happening! HOORAY! The girls are sooooooo excited! Madison wants the baby to come on her b-day and Morgan says it's a brother, but always talkes about the baby using a she pronoun...FUNNY! Tim is READY and HE CANNOT WAIT to meet this baby....we are just PUMPED! However, I am not pumped about the post-prego body issues that will soon approach! YUCKO!

Well- time to get back to the girls! We are expecting rain today and so we have inside things planned: painting, reading, movies, play, etc.... Hopefully the rain will cool things off around here and my garden and flowers sure could use a good soaking!

Friday, June 08, 2007

3 weeks and 2 days to go.....

HOORAY! It's almost time to meet our newest family member! We visited the doctor earlier this week for our 36 week check-up and and everything is looking great! Heart rate of baby was 140 and we are good to go whenever! The doctor did encourage us that babies 3-4 tend to come quickly and so a few false trips are better than having the Baby at the Burger King by the fairgrounds! (the doctor knows where we live and so his reference was pretty funny!) Also, my doctors have merged with another office and so if I am dilated to 3 by week 38 or 39 they will induce early so that I will have one of my regular docs rather than any of the new ones...just so I will feel more comfortable! I'm HOPING! Sometimes, I can't imagine waiting until the beginning of July, but other than the usual energy swings (lots to none) and body aches I am feeling great! NO weird labor dreams, YET!

The girls are enjoying summer...this week they are attending VBS with Gma nad Gpa Stout. Tonight is there last night of VBS...I am going to miss it! It's been nice to have a few mini-dates with my hubby while the girls are gone. (vbs runs from 6:30 until 8:45 p.m.) Our church's VBS is at the end of the month and so we will enjoy that too!

Work is going great for Tim! He is already at goal for June and so his schedule is pretty free for the baby to arrive! He is taking the next few Friday afternoons off just to give me a break! HOORAY!

Okay- pretty boring- YES! We will keep you all posted on Baby Progress....please pray that he/she comes soon!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Happy Anniversary???? and SUMMER life....

Tuesday, May 29th was our 8th wedding anniversary and it was a VERY interesting day...Before I begin this story please remember I am 35 weeks pregnant...It was Tuesday ama nd Tim was already gone to work and I decided to make the girls some breakfast (eggs & hashbrowns) b/c we were out of most of our groceries and b/c I thought it might be nice for them to have something besides cereal, toast or a frozen waffle. As I grabbed my Pampered Chef batter bowl from the dishrack, sitting on the counter next to my stove, I dropped it (pregnancy droppsy) and it landed on my ceramic cooktop and made a spider web crack in the cooktop....UGGGHHHHHHH! I tried to keep it together and madea few calls around town to ask what to do and ALL said it would cost MUCHO DINERO to get it fixed...so here we are one month from having a new babya nd we have a CRACKED cooktop! I began to BALL and BALL! I called Tim at work and he said we should just RELAX and pray about it....UGGGHHHH...looking back he handled me so well, but I just wanted him to get MAD at GOD with me! Anyway.....we made it througfh the day, many tears later, and we still have a broken cooktop. We praise GOD that the batter bowl did not land on me or my protruding tummy, the oven still works, we have a microwave that works, and it's summer so we can grill like mad! Also, yesterdayGod gave me the following idea and so I went out and bought an electric skillet so we can do some cooking indoors. We are planning to save $$ for a while and shop around for what what we might want in a new stove...NO GLASS TOP for sure. However, 2 days later and I am feeling okay with my broken cook-top...there are worse things in this world and my problem is soooo MINOR, but I thank the LORD that HE never misses a beat and HE KNOWS what we need and he provides for those needs! What an anniversary! When Tim got home from work about 8:00- I went straight to bed b/c I was WIPED out! We didn't even exchange cards! However, the story doesn't end there...GMA and GPA Stouta re taking the girls overnight this Friday so we can celebrate our anniversary then! HOORAY!

Summer is here and we are enjoying the freedom of the schedule. We all sleep in until 7:30-8:00 and PLAY ALL DAY! We have had haircuts, been to the library, to several parks, on a picnic, garage saleing, 3 greenhouses (the girls love to look at plants, my dad would be soooo proud!), Uncle Dan's softball games, and we are now waiting for warmer days so we can hit the pool a few afternoons a week.

Only 4 and a half weeks until the baby comes...I did find a few boy things last week and now we are looking for a few girl things. I have a HUGE list of things to get at Target for the hospital and post-delivery for me and the munchkin. Saturday, is work day at the Stout house and we are fixing the gate to the backyard, doing some yard work, and a few indoor projects too! HOORAY!

That's it from here...I leave a few pics from our recent happenings....

Madison and her teacher, Mrs. Behrens @
Kindergarten Graduation

Morgan and Madison at Kdgn Graduation

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

Here are a few pics of our "growing" family yesterday, Mother's Day. We went to church in the morning and then headed to Ankeny to have lunch with Mom and Papa Stout, where we took the following pics. Tim and the girls gave me 2 poems, a CD, & a trip to Panera after church for bagels and coffee, and they TOTALLY cleaned & detailed the van last Saturday (it looks AMAZING!). What a spoiled Momma am I????!!!

Also, there are a few pics of my rapidly growing belly! 7 WEEKS TO GO! WOW! We cannot wait to meet our newest little blessing!

The Stout family

Momma and the girls

Tim, Jonna and Baby #3??? @ 33 weeks of pregnancy

Monday, April 30, 2007

A loose tooth....now belongs to the Tooth fairy.

Well, today we experienced a first in the Stout house...a LOOSE tooth that will become Tooth fairy property! Madison lost her first tooth today- WOW!

here are a few pics...

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy 4th Birthday, Morgan! & Happy Easter!

This weekend was a busy one, we celebrated Morgan's birthday on Saturday (her real b-day date) and Easter on Sunday. Other than the chilly (okay windy and freezing) weather which put a damper on some of our plans, we had a great weekend. On Saturday, we enjoyed a pancake and egg breakfast in the morning and a pizza party,cake and present time in the evening with Uncle Dan, Aunt Amy and cousin Kylie. Grandma and Grandpa Stout couldn't make b/c they had to go out of town for a funeral. Grandpa Stout's brother, Tim's Uncle, Bernard, passed away last week and the funeral was in Ohio. On Sunday, we went to church, came home hid Easter eggs inside, and had a lovely ham dinner with mashed potatoes, corn and leftover b-day cake for dessert! After lunch we all crashed and took really good naps, watched Zach Johnson (an Iowa boy) win the Master's (big golf tourney, I graded papers for school, and then we took a quick trip to Hy-Vee for a few things. While we were there, we saw eight deer come out the woods looking lost and hungry! The girls loved watching them and they could've stayed watching them ALL NIGHT!

Today, it was back to school and 28 weeks of pregnancy! We are in the hoem stretch...aka the third trimester! HOORAY! We can't wait to meet our little one and find out if he/she is a he or a she! We are soooo excited! We had our check-up last Friday (went well and the shot went great...I wasn't even sore :))and his/her heart rate was 135...a lot slower than the girls who ran in the 150s to 160s most of the time.....HMMMMMM......could it really be a boy???? Either gender we will PRAISE GOD for this special addition to our family!

Here are a few pics from our celebrations....

Sunday, April 01, 2007

We did it, we did it, we did it, HOORAY!

Okay in the words of Dora the Explorer...WE DID IT! We FINALLY painted our room!
Although we still have decoration things to finish up and buy...I am just glad it is finally done! Here are a few pics (it's a counter-clockwise trip around our room)...

Friday, March 30, 2007

HAPPY FRIDAY! It's almost the weekend!!! Well, for me and the girls it is the weekend, we have no school today! This week has flown for me. On M & T we had early dismissals at 2:00 b/c of Parent Teacher conferences and Wednesday was 1/2 day for the same reason and then today we have the day off. The other teachers deserve it after their crazy week of conferences! For me it it was a great week to EASE back into the classroom routine. Things have gone well for the most part, the students are adjusting and so am I, but teaching Math is STILL a HUGE weakness for me! It might just take a while to get my brain back to that level...the older we get the harder it is to adapt! I am feeling great, just a little tired and I have a little back ache, but still PRAISING the LORD for a great week! The teacher did all of my LP's for me and so that has made things sun a lot smoother for me. Last night, I graded 3 stacks of papers and that was it for the week. She only takes 1-2 grades per subject per week...I wish I would have thought of that when I was teaching...sure saves a TON of time! The teachers at G-view have been very welcoming and they check in on me often. The principal only stopped by once & so I feel like she trusts me in the classroom....that is a HUGE HELP! I may have to go over to my room on Sunday afternoon to do a few things...not more than and hour or so...and then I will be ready for Monday! Praise the LORD for the gifts he has given me in this area! What a blessing from HIM!

Today we are planning to just lay low at home. I am making a double batch of banana chocolate chip muffins (we had a good amount of dark bananas) b/c we LOVE them so much around here and when I make a single batch they just seem to disappear. This morning the girls are playing and hanging out in their pjs! Also, we are enjoying a cool & rainy spring morning and the smell of the muffins and the coffee brewing make me feel GREAT! It gives me the feeling like we are on vacation or something! Today we are running one errand to Target to pick up a b-day present for a cousin b/c her party is tomorrow @ Stoney Creek Inn. The girls are looking forward to swimming at the hotel after the PARTY! Good thing their Uncle works there!!!

It has also been a BIG week for my hubby! Here is a post from his own words from what happened at his work last Friday....

I wanted to share with you the events of yesterday and how God was so good to my family. Yesterday morning I was at work and our district manager stopped in for a routine visit. He and my boss had a meeting and then my boss came out and told me that they needed to talk to me. He quickly assured me that everything was fine, because I had a obvious "freaked out" look on my face.

The district manager informed me that some bigwigs up in corporate had decided to scale back the number of loan officers in Des Moines. Again, the "freaked out" looked appeared on my face. The district manager apologized for not letting me know immediately that I was in good standing with the company and was not being let go. There is a branch in the suburbs of Des Moines that had been trying to hire a new loan officer for several months. They had not been able to find someone qualified to take the position.

The branch that I currently work at is only large enough for four loan officers, but last year the company allowed the branch to hire a fifth loan officer, me. Suddenly, they had to lose one and that was again, me. Long story short, the district manager offered me the position at the other branch. I immediately agreed and will start on Monday. The change was immediate and I quickly cleaned out my desk and said goodbye to my co-workers.

The district manager took me to lunch and I was very humbled by his kind words. He was very complimentary of my performance and the new branch manager, Ben, was so excited when he heard that I was being added to his staff.

I want to reassure everyone that this was not a demotion or a negative in any way. My pay is the same, health benefits are unchanged, vacation time stays the same, pretty much, same company, different office.

Anyway, that was my whirlwind day yesterday. Jonna has been very supportive of this and has peace also about the change. God is so good. In this corporate age, jobs are eliminated very quickly. God is continuing to provide and I wanted to share this praise with you.

He has had an AMAZING week at work and God has really blessed in the transition to the new office! Tim thoroughly enjoys his new co-workers and things are so GREAT! Praise the Lord for how much HE LOVES US and CARES for us!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Praise Him, Praise Him, All ye little Children....

God is LOVE! GOD is LOVE! Today I am very thankful for God's love for us! His love in unconditional and unchangeable! WOWZA!

We have had a GLORIOUS Spring Break here in Iowa. The Lord have us some amazing weather....although rain was forecasted and came, God gave us warm days and plenty of sunshine, too! This morning we had a "Spring Storm" (that's what Morgan called it) and it was glorious to open my window, listen to the thunder, watch the lightning light up the early morning sky and sip a cup of warm coffee.

I found out today that I am headed to work at G-view on Monday. The teacher I am filling in for while she goes on Maternity leave had her baby and so here we go! Please pray for us in the next month as we all adjust to me being a "working" mom. I am not really nervous about anything, but I still covet your prayers in that I will do my best for GOD'S GLORY!

Here are a few pics of our Spring Break activities....

Monday, March 19, 2007


We are on Spring Break this week and the weather is supposed to be yucko! This morning we awoke to a cloudy and blustery day and so we are enjoying a chill out/comfy clothes day at home. (praise the Lord the SUN is SHINING NOW!!!) I am working on laundry, etc... and we are recouperating from a busy weekend with Grandma & Grandpa Shogren. My parents came down for the weekend and we had a great time. We went out to dinner at Ohana (japanese steakhouse), did some shopping, watched a lot of basketball and celebrated Morgan and Tim's b-days with them! FUN! Morgan got a new baby stroller & a little pack-n-play for her babies! The girls have been playing with that non-stop. Also, my parents brought home our baby swing that was on loan to my Minnesota siblings and so we put that up and they are using that for their babies! They have a whole nursery set up on the front porch! Very cute!

OUr other Spring breeak plans include, a playdate at McD's tomorrow with some friends, Wednesday is dentist appts, and Thursday is open (maybe a trip to the movies since it's supposed to be raining or the botanical center or historical museum) and Friday is the afternoon & evening at Gma & Gpa Stout's home. Tim is getting a haircut after work from Mom Stout and then we are just vegging out and watching some more basketball together!

We are hoping to paint our room this weekend (FINALLY!) , but we'll see if the weather holds out. Also, this week I will be doing a lot of prepping for my long term sub gig that is coming up. I met with the teacher on Friday and she was dilated to 3 (she's not due until April 1st) and so we are pretty much thinking I should be starting next Monday! She has all of the lesson plans written for me and so I am able to study up before i go in! Whew...trying not to get overwhelmed, but it will all be okay! I just have to TRUST God for the strength for every moment as we make the adjustment to me being a full-time working mom for about 4-6 weeks! Prais ethe Lord for the extra mooolah to help with Christian school bills!!! :)

A Baby update: 25 weeks today! Everything is going great...just a little backache here and there when I try to do too much! Baby is LOW and moving a lot! My next appt is April 6th and that's when they'll check for gestational diabetes (I get to drink that yummy glucose drink! YUCKO!) and I will get my Rhogam shot- OUCHY!!!!
We are still not planning to find out the SEX of our little one until delivery....I ma sooooo excited to know and it makes me soooo excited for the delivery! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Well, this update is long overdue and I am not even sure where to start...

Tonight, Tim and some college guys (former students from the student ministry that we used to work with) lead worship for Youth Group tonight at church. In my biased opinion, they did a great job! Tim loves playing the drums for God's glory and he loves playing with this particular group of guys. Just last week, Tim went with these young men to see Kutless in concert in West Des Moines. THEY HAD A BLAST!

Speaking of last weekend, I headed home to Minnesota for a funeral of a young man from my home church. Derrik Kuschel, age 22, went home to be with Jesus on Saturday, March 3rd after a life-long battle with cystic fibrosis. Derrik NEVER EVER complained about his battle with CF, but instead used it to be a STRONG and FAITHFUL witness for Jesus Christ. You can read more about Derrik at his caring bridge website at

This funeral was so special to me b/c Derrik's family has had a major impact on my life. Jodi, Derrik's mom, was my junior girls Sunday School teacher. She was cooller than cool (for the 80s). She always wore high heels, had amazing hair and freshly manicured nails, and dressed so beautiful. Not only that she showed an interest in me and the other lowly "bus kids." Jodi and Albie, even hosted slumber parties, scary Halloween activities and one time she even took me to the mother-daughter banquet as her daughter! before the banquet she even took me to Herberger's and bought me a brand new dress! (it wasn't on sale either!) I loved that class and studying God's word with her. You would have never known that Derrik (her then little son) was so ill and had to take medicines and treatments everyday! Also Their boys (they had two sons, Dustin was the oldest and Derrik the younger) made an impact on my life, they always had matching outfits and to this day I believe that's why my girls always match!!! :)
My favorite memory of this family, is when they shared their newly adopted daughter, Ashley with us in the form of a party in the Sunday school class. The kitchen where we met was COVERED in PINK!!! It was a HOOT! Eventually I quit attending that church as a bus kid and I don't remember quite why, but after about a year out of church I ran into the Kuschel family at the bowling alley and they invited me to their new church (they had switched churches, too). I said sure and that was the beginning of a year stint of riding in the car with them to church. It was at this church God introduced me to my three bestest girlfriends (we've been through it all together: the GOOD, the BAD and the ugly!) who were able to be home for this funeral as well. Also, while attending this new church, God introduced me to my second parents, Rod and Cathy Veith! Whew---I can't even put into words what this family has meant to my life! After a year of riding with the Kuschels, they took over and they ever-so-patient as I grew to understand what it meant to be a godly young lady! I am still working on that part, but I PRAISE the LORD for their faithful and patient hearts! Mom and Dad Veith- I LOVE you and you are so special to me! THANK YOU! All of these wonderful things would not have happened in my life if the Kuschel family would not have reached out to me! Thank you for your selflessness!

**My friend Kim (she's the writer) wrote an amazing tribute to Derrik and his family and you can find it here: http://kpblogopolis.blogspot.com ***

okay...i will finish this up later...I am going to visit with my hubby and settle my thoughts down...remember I am a pregnant woman and sometimes things go blank or we get too emotional...thank you for your patience....

Friday, March 02, 2007

it's a Blizzard....

Here in central and northwest Iowa there is a blizzard going on. In DSM we only had a few inches of snow, but we are now experiencing 50 mph winds. They have closed all of the area schools and even some major businesse like Wells Fargo & BLue Cross BLue Shield are closed. They have shut done most of the interstate surrounding the DSM area and the DOT is not recommending ANY TRAVEL!

However, Tim still went into work today b/c we are trying save up our vacation time for when the baby comes and this August when Tim's brother and his family come from California! Also, Tim is headed to California in April to attend the Long Beach Grand Prix with his brothers and what a time they will have! It has truly been a blessing to see the LORD provide the $$ for this trip for him!

Today is a low key day! I am watching a friends kiddos today b/c her babysitters kids are sick...throwing up...YUCKO! It is a little helpful to have someone for the girls to play with today, but a HUGE BUMMER that we can't really go outside or anywhere for that matter. I am trying to use my teacher brain and brainstorm some fun things for us to do! We may build some indoor forts before luncha nd then having book time and movie hour after lunch!

Tomorrow...Lord willing...we are starting the remodeling of our room! We are getting the paint and brushes tomorrow am and we plan to paint it all tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully the girls will cooperate...we may go by them a new movie so that have a distraction while Tim & I work! I do all of the trim edges and cutting in and Tim does the rolling....we have a good system!

Well- the troops are getting restless!
Everyone- STAY WARM!

P.S> Kim I do not want to hear anymore about your green grass in Washington!!! :)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

new template....

In honor of the Month of March (first day of spring, St.Patrick's Day, etc....) the gemplate is now Green....but the weather man says we have another winter storm headed our way starting tomorrow night through Friday! Ugh! I NEED A VACATION!

It's a new day....

Well today was a NEW day for me as a mom....i was home alone this morning! Morgan has started preschool 2 days a week to help get her adjusted to school before I start subbing full-time at G-view, covering a teacher's maternity leave, and she sarts attending full-time. It was just weird! I felt a little NAKED! However, it was nice to run to the grocery store by myself and take a little time to alley hoot and just enjoy looking around!

It was a wake-up call too b/c I know those days will be few and far between once the newest Stout arrives this summer. Not that I don't want this baby, it just reminded me of how some of my "freedom" will be taken away for a short time! I have learned one thing as a mom, TIME FLIES!

Well- the girls are ready to dinidh up baths and get their PJs on. Tim will be hoem soon! I made a yummy dinner tonight: Bruschetta Chicken bake from Kraft recipes and Cheddar Garlic Biscuits (like Red Lobster)...it's a favorite meal around here!

Monday, February 26, 2007

all talk....we've got no game!

yep...it's true! All talk about fixin' about the house and no action!


Well, with the weather as YUCKY as it was this weekend we didn't get much accomplished. We were planning to go out Saturday am to pick up supplies, but the weather had just barreled in so fast that we didn't get out. We praise the LORD that we kept our power all weekend, but we did lose our land phone line & Internet access from Saturday night until this am....I couldn't wait to check my e-mail this morning!!!! I felt so out of it! We did enjoy relaxing and vegging out. I had cleaned both Thursday and Friday this past week and I was zonked! Oh well, we'll try again this weekend. Oh and we did watch a triple header of basketball on Sunday! Ohhh....and the Oscars were fun to watch, but I fell asleep before they were over....they lasted FOREVER!!!!

One thought...we are repainting our sun porch....we have yellow now, any suggestions for a new color??? THANKS!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Good Morning!

Good morning! As you can see I am up before the troops this morning. Well, that's not entirely true b/c Tim left at six to go play b-ball with his church buddies. Anyway, I am up early b/c I couldn't sleep...not worried about anything, I think I am excited to get a jump on the day b/c we are doing some "little projects" around the house today! We are also going to the Homemaker's outlet to look around for a new coffee table b/c our broke the other day....it has a crack in it. I would love to order or go to IKEA b/c it would be cheaper, but we won't make it there anytime soon! Also, we are picking out blinds for our room, repaintig the baseboards on the porch and getting things ready out there to redo the ceiling soon! We are thinking about repainting the yellow color out there, but I am not sure to what yet! Here is a picture of what we want our bedroom to look like (we get to paint in a few weeks when the weather gets warmer and we can open some windows)... The walls will be all blue and I already have some similar bedding that I purchased at Target on Clearance a few months ago! Besides we already have the two kids and the puppy so this room fits us perfectly!

Well, the weather isn't helping us much these days! We have to stay indoors b/c the weather is turning NASTY! Rain today, ice tonight and SNOW tomorrow. 5-8 inches of snow tomorrow!!!!! We had a brief taste of Spring this week...it was mid-50s on Wednesday and so Morgan and I ran all over town with NO COATS on!!! I even bought the girls' Easter dresses!!! I was feeling a little inspired and they were on SALE! Also, it gives me some more time to find something to match them!!!!!!

Speaking of baby...we are doing great! We are 21 wks and 5 days today! My tummy is growing & this little one is a mover and a shaker these days. Last night he/she had the hiccups! I LOVE THAT FEELING!!!! God is sooooo good! We are getting ansty to KNOW what sex the baby is, but we are going to TRY and hold out and be surprised...we think we have the names nailed down so we're good. I am also getting antsy to buy a few things for this little one, but I think I will wait until all of the Spring clothes go to clearnace! Also, look out Des MOines area garage sales this summer, I will be in FULL FORCE!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

more snow??more cold??? BRING IT ON!!!

Why yes, we are still in the arctic circle here and today we added about 5 more inches of snow to this frozen tundra! As a result of the snow, Madison has a SNOW day from school which wea re all really bummed about b/c they (grades K-2) were headed to Ames to see Suessical. I am not sure if it will be rescheduled or not. Also, today Tim took a "sick" day and we are all home enjuoying vegging out and enjoying the day as a family! We had a Valentine's breakfast this morning....pink pancakes, decorative paper plates, napkins and cups, and we exchanged cards and Valentine gifts. I gave Tim a pre-paid coupon to pick up the new Toby Mac CD when it comes out next week and he gave me the newest Rascal Flatts CD (yes, I still am a country girl!) We gave the girls their present last Friday night...they got the video, High School Musical. It has been a great day so far! I think we really need these "days" off once in a while!

We are half way through this pregnancy now (20 weeks yesterday) and I am feeling SUPER! I am at the energy stage and ready to get things done around this place...I have been cleaning cupboards out, cleaning closets, organizing clothes that are upstairs in storage and I feel like have to get more done before I get into teaching in April through May! Also, I was motivated to CLEAN and DECLUTTER after watching Oprah last week. She has some guests who lived in clutter messes to say the least and that motivated me a ton! I am getting antsy to finish painting our room (the last room to get done since we moved into this place 4 1/2 years ago) and redo the inside of our front porch celing (we have to redo the track celing, but we are going to drywall it now). Other than that, not much to share. Please pray for my husband's sanity as I am sooooo motivated these days!!!

Well- time to get back to the family! Have a great day!

P.S> I cannot wait for SPRING! I even bought paper towels with Daisies on them b/c I needed a SPRING pick-me-up!!!!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

baby it's COLD outside......

arrrrrrghhhhhhh....I am getting so tired of the cold. It's sooooo cold we can't go sledding, ice skating or anything!!! It's hard to even go to the grocery store or Target and so Tim usually stops at one or the other on his way home from work. What a sweet hubby!

So other than school, work, cleaning jobs, and PBS kids there is not much to report!

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, January 29, 2007

bbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....it's cold!

Argh...the weather has turned frigid...YUCKO! I hate it being so cold b/c it makes it soooo difficult to go anywhere. We enjoyed a quiet weekend indoors. Tim had a work day on Saturday and so the girls and I enjoyed a Pajama day and watched movies! That was fun. Sunday we awoke to 20 below zero and decided to snuggle back under the covers and not go anywhere! Other than that, not much to report...Baby #3 is growing... we are about 18 weeks, 22 weeks from today baby is due (July1st). I am feeling him/her move now...I have missed that sooooo much! Also, I feel like I am actually starting to get a "bump" now... am a little apprehensive to buy any maternity clothes b/c they are expensive & I have quite a time to go wearing them...also I have 3 seasons to go through...winter, spring and summer....Has anyone ever bought clothes on e-bay??? Were you statisfied???

Well time for preschool....I'll leave you with a few pics from last weekend'sfun in the SNOW!!!

P.S> Gpa Stout's surgery went great! He is healing well and should have even better sight as a result of this surgery! Praise the Lord.