Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The waiting game.....

Well, our doctor's appt. went well this morning...dilated to almost 3 and still about 70-80% has dropped some....everything is ready and up to the we wait....the latest we will wait is next Tuesday b/c that's when we will probably induce labor....HOORAY!

We are excited! The girls are beside themeselves- theny can't wait to hug and kiss their new baby brother or sister! I am feeling's been hot and so if we have a busy day I am swelling a bit at night in my feet and said TO TAKE IT blood pressure is creeping toward the high side, but that is VERY NORMAL for me at this stage of my pregnancy....everything else is GREAT!

Thanks for praying.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Happy 6th Birthday, Madison!

Happy Birthday to my sweet, six-year-old, Madison! Wow, I cannot believe she is turning six!

What a sweetheart and true joy she is to be with and raise! She loves horses, reading and crafts!She is very tenderhearted about her friends and the things of the Lord. Last summer she placed her trust in Christ as her Savior and She has recently expressed a desire to be baptized and we are waiting until after the baby is born to schedule her big day of Obedience! Another party will be thrown!

Today is her b-day party day! We are having her first friend party from 1-3 p.m. and it's an Ice Cream theme! FUN! Tonight is Her family party this evening with G,a & Gpa Stout, Uncle Dan, Aunt Mia, Cousin Kylie, Uncle Martin and we are grilling hot dogs and having campfire to make S'mores....Madison LOVES to make s"mores and chat around the camp fire!
**THis all in one day b/c of the momma's condition. :) What a fun day it will be!
Now, we can start LABOR stuff anytime after 8:00 p.m.......HOORAY! The home stretch is here!!!!!!

**Well- I'm off to finish the final touches on her day...a trip to the grocery store is needed...delayed due to all of the rain we had yesterday, but praise the Lord it should dry out by tonight!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's day...We're ready...less than 2 weeks to go!

We enjoyed a wonderful Father's Day weekend here at the Stout house. Friday afternoon Tim took a half day off and we went to Ankeny to spend some time with Gma and Gpa Stout. We stopped by Target and picked out a new pack-n-play w/ bassinet and then we had a pizza dinner with the grandparents! FUN! That night Tim went to the races at the Fairgrounds with his dad, his brother and his friend. They had a blast! Saturday, we vegged (it was HOT!) and we just had a low-key day around home. The girls and Tim made a trip to get the oil changed on the van and Saturday night the girls went to church to play while we had a date night at home. We had grilled BBQ chicken, veggies and baked potatoes for dinner & watched Pretty In PInk...Long story...I am educating Tim on all of the GREAT 80s flicks he has missed out on. A few others on my list are Footloose, 16 Candles, The Breakfast Club, Mannequin, Dirty Dancing, etc... poor guy! Any suggestions are welcome! After our date we picked up the girls and went out for ice cream at Granny's- it's the BEST! Sunday we headed to church with dan and Amy at First Federated...the church was having a Father's Day Rally and a Car Show and it was fun! After the rally and touring the cars, we headed to Famous Dave's for a late lunch/ early supper! YUMMO! Home for naps and then ice cream again @ Granny's later that night!

Pregnancy- 2 weeks and counting. We are ready as we'll ever be...I guess....we still haven't purchased "going home" outfits but that's b/c we don't know how close this baby's arrival will be to the 4th of we're waiting....maybe I'll just pick some things up this week! I am feeling okay...I am having a few contactions here and there (unlike with the girls), lots of back aches that come and go, days of tons of energy and days of exhaustion.....just normal pregnancy stuff...the baby is still a mover and shaker.... At my last appt. I had dropped a pound and that has been the case the past two weeks....hmmm???? ONly 2 weeks to go! Also, doc said I may be induced if I am 3 soon and/or we will schedule an induction in the next 2 weeks b/c of an office merger and they want to make sure I get a doctor that I know! GREAT! I am headed back to the doctortomorrow afternoon, I CAN'T WAIT, and they will check to see if anything is happening! HOORAY! The girls are sooooooo excited! Madison wants the baby to come on her b-day and Morgan says it's a brother, but always talkes about the baby using a she pronoun...FUNNY! Tim is READY and HE CANNOT WAIT to meet this baby....we are just PUMPED! However, I am not pumped about the post-prego body issues that will soon approach! YUCKO!

Well- time to get back to the girls! We are expecting rain today and so we have inside things planned: painting, reading, movies, play, etc.... Hopefully the rain will cool things off around here and my garden and flowers sure could use a good soaking!

Friday, June 08, 2007

3 weeks and 2 days to go.....

HOORAY! It's almost time to meet our newest family member! We visited the doctor earlier this week for our 36 week check-up and and everything is looking great! Heart rate of baby was 140 and we are good to go whenever! The doctor did encourage us that babies 3-4 tend to come quickly and so a few false trips are better than having the Baby at the Burger King by the fairgrounds! (the doctor knows where we live and so his reference was pretty funny!) Also, my doctors have merged with another office and so if I am dilated to 3 by week 38 or 39 they will induce early so that I will have one of my regular docs rather than any of the new ones...just so I will feel more comfortable! I'm HOPING! Sometimes, I can't imagine waiting until the beginning of July, but other than the usual energy swings (lots to none) and body aches I am feeling great! NO weird labor dreams, YET!

The girls are enjoying summer...this week they are attending VBS with Gma nad Gpa Stout. Tonight is there last night of VBS...I am going to miss it! It's been nice to have a few mini-dates with my hubby while the girls are gone. (vbs runs from 6:30 until 8:45 p.m.) Our church's VBS is at the end of the month and so we will enjoy that too!

Work is going great for Tim! He is already at goal for June and so his schedule is pretty free for the baby to arrive! He is taking the next few Friday afternoons off just to give me a break! HOORAY!

Okay- pretty boring- YES! We will keep you all posted on Baby Progress....please pray that he/she comes soon!