Tuesday, July 24, 2007

it's getting better all the time

Life is in full swing! Like our friends, the Dykstras, we have made full use of our FLEX account this year! Praise the Lord we are all healthy (as of this moment in time) and adjusting to life as a family of 5!
Last Thursday Mason went to the doctor for his 2 week check-up and he weighed 9 lbs 5 oz and he was 20.5 inches long...by now I think he is almost 10 lbs...he's a little porker! HOORAY! He is a great baby....only cries when he is hungry or when you change his diaper! We are working our way back to full-time breastfeeding (after the break I took to pump while I had mastitis). I am still pumping a bit after each feeding so that we have enough breastmilk for the nighttime feedings...Tim takes the night shift...WHAT AN AMAZING HUBBY!and below is a picture of how I often find them in the morning....

Last weekend, My brother and his family came to visit. We spent Saturday at the zoo! It was sooo fun to watch the girls play with Zak (my nephew). Zak loved pushing around the girls' baby strollers...hmmm....maybe I'll get him one for his b-day in October! I'll try to find a blue one, I don't think his daddy would like his son pushing around a pink stroller! :)
Stouts at the zoo

Heather, Zak and Phil at the zoo

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Are you serious????? mastitis and bed rest!

Well- things this week have been a little crazy... by Wednesday evening I was in the midst of full blown mastitis (fever, chills, sore and inflamed right breast)...I had to wait for Tim to get home from work so I could go to the doctor...not driving yet and I have 3 kids and myself to get out of the house........I tried calling the doctor having them prescribe something over the phone to my pharmacy, but they said they HAD to see me first...HELLO????...3rd baby, had this before, I think I know what it is...anyway saw doctor and went on antibiotic numero uno, doctor said no breastfeeding for 5 days, only pumping, and rest...how do I do that now that I 3 kids and a hubby....Thursday Timmy stayed home with me and the girls, went and got me a hospital-grade pump and I slept and pumped all day....as of Friday i was feeling better, but the right breast was still inflamed and very red....numero uno antibiotic wasn't working and so back to the doctor I went....drove myself this time.... (Gma Stout had already come and taken the girls to the park and on a picnic for most of the day)...got a new antibiotic....pumping was soooooo hurting on the right side and I was getting ZERO MILK....I was getting MUCHO emotional and MUY frustrated...as you can only imagine....called lactation lady at hospital (we had been conversing quite a bit up to this point and she knew all details) we went in for an appt today....she gave me a larger piece for pumping b/c my breast/nipple was so swollen and getting blistered from my current shield causing all of the pain on top of the infection pain....and she put my on bedrest for the weekend and she said if the breast didn't look better by Sunday (give #2 antibiotic 24-36 hours to work) then she wants me to go back to the doctor again....she doesn't want me to end up in the hospital on IVs or to have me form an abcess in the breast.... ahhhhhh! So now I pump/rest/nurse Mason the left when can and rest and watch Gilmore Girls DVDs.....Tima nd the girls have been great! Timmy is trying sooooooooo HARD to get the house stuff done, keep up with the girls, run errands, and play nurse to me......what a man! what a mighty good man! Praise the Lord for hiM! Mason is GREAT! He eats, sleeps and POOPS! He has been FABULOUS throughout this whole ordeal! PRAISE GOD!

well, time to get back to bed! Please pray fora speedy recoverY!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's a boy!!!

Mason Samuel Stout
Born on Monday, July 2nd, 2007
@ 6:08 p.m.
8.25 oz and 20 inches long

Stout family- Party of Five

Mason- one week old