Friday, March 30, 2007

HAPPY FRIDAY! It's almost the weekend!!! Well, for me and the girls it is the weekend, we have no school today! This week has flown for me. On M & T we had early dismissals at 2:00 b/c of Parent Teacher conferences and Wednesday was 1/2 day for the same reason and then today we have the day off. The other teachers deserve it after their crazy week of conferences! For me it it was a great week to EASE back into the classroom routine. Things have gone well for the most part, the students are adjusting and so am I, but teaching Math is STILL a HUGE weakness for me! It might just take a while to get my brain back to that level...the older we get the harder it is to adapt! I am feeling great, just a little tired and I have a little back ache, but still PRAISING the LORD for a great week! The teacher did all of my LP's for me and so that has made things sun a lot smoother for me. Last night, I graded 3 stacks of papers and that was it for the week. She only takes 1-2 grades per subject per week...I wish I would have thought of that when I was teaching...sure saves a TON of time! The teachers at G-view have been very welcoming and they check in on me often. The principal only stopped by once & so I feel like she trusts me in the classroom....that is a HUGE HELP! I may have to go over to my room on Sunday afternoon to do a few things...not more than and hour or so...and then I will be ready for Monday! Praise the LORD for the gifts he has given me in this area! What a blessing from HIM!

Today we are planning to just lay low at home. I am making a double batch of banana chocolate chip muffins (we had a good amount of dark bananas) b/c we LOVE them so much around here and when I make a single batch they just seem to disappear. This morning the girls are playing and hanging out in their pjs! Also, we are enjoying a cool & rainy spring morning and the smell of the muffins and the coffee brewing make me feel GREAT! It gives me the feeling like we are on vacation or something! Today we are running one errand to Target to pick up a b-day present for a cousin b/c her party is tomorrow @ Stoney Creek Inn. The girls are looking forward to swimming at the hotel after the PARTY! Good thing their Uncle works there!!!

It has also been a BIG week for my hubby! Here is a post from his own words from what happened at his work last Friday....

I wanted to share with you the events of yesterday and how God was so good to my family. Yesterday morning I was at work and our district manager stopped in for a routine visit. He and my boss had a meeting and then my boss came out and told me that they needed to talk to me. He quickly assured me that everything was fine, because I had a obvious "freaked out" look on my face.

The district manager informed me that some bigwigs up in corporate had decided to scale back the number of loan officers in Des Moines. Again, the "freaked out" looked appeared on my face. The district manager apologized for not letting me know immediately that I was in good standing with the company and was not being let go. There is a branch in the suburbs of Des Moines that had been trying to hire a new loan officer for several months. They had not been able to find someone qualified to take the position.

The branch that I currently work at is only large enough for four loan officers, but last year the company allowed the branch to hire a fifth loan officer, me. Suddenly, they had to lose one and that was again, me. Long story short, the district manager offered me the position at the other branch. I immediately agreed and will start on Monday. The change was immediate and I quickly cleaned out my desk and said goodbye to my co-workers.

The district manager took me to lunch and I was very humbled by his kind words. He was very complimentary of my performance and the new branch manager, Ben, was so excited when he heard that I was being added to his staff.

I want to reassure everyone that this was not a demotion or a negative in any way. My pay is the same, health benefits are unchanged, vacation time stays the same, pretty much, same company, different office.

Anyway, that was my whirlwind day yesterday. Jonna has been very supportive of this and has peace also about the change. God is so good. In this corporate age, jobs are eliminated very quickly. God is continuing to provide and I wanted to share this praise with you.

He has had an AMAZING week at work and God has really blessed in the transition to the new office! Tim thoroughly enjoys his new co-workers and things are so GREAT! Praise the Lord for how much HE LOVES US and CARES for us!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Praise Him, Praise Him, All ye little Children....

God is LOVE! GOD is LOVE! Today I am very thankful for God's love for us! His love in unconditional and unchangeable! WOWZA!

We have had a GLORIOUS Spring Break here in Iowa. The Lord have us some amazing weather....although rain was forecasted and came, God gave us warm days and plenty of sunshine, too! This morning we had a "Spring Storm" (that's what Morgan called it) and it was glorious to open my window, listen to the thunder, watch the lightning light up the early morning sky and sip a cup of warm coffee.

I found out today that I am headed to work at G-view on Monday. The teacher I am filling in for while she goes on Maternity leave had her baby and so here we go! Please pray for us in the next month as we all adjust to me being a "working" mom. I am not really nervous about anything, but I still covet your prayers in that I will do my best for GOD'S GLORY!

Here are a few pics of our Spring Break activities....

Monday, March 19, 2007


We are on Spring Break this week and the weather is supposed to be yucko! This morning we awoke to a cloudy and blustery day and so we are enjoying a chill out/comfy clothes day at home. (praise the Lord the SUN is SHINING NOW!!!) I am working on laundry, etc... and we are recouperating from a busy weekend with Grandma & Grandpa Shogren. My parents came down for the weekend and we had a great time. We went out to dinner at Ohana (japanese steakhouse), did some shopping, watched a lot of basketball and celebrated Morgan and Tim's b-days with them! FUN! Morgan got a new baby stroller & a little pack-n-play for her babies! The girls have been playing with that non-stop. Also, my parents brought home our baby swing that was on loan to my Minnesota siblings and so we put that up and they are using that for their babies! They have a whole nursery set up on the front porch! Very cute!

OUr other Spring breeak plans include, a playdate at McD's tomorrow with some friends, Wednesday is dentist appts, and Thursday is open (maybe a trip to the movies since it's supposed to be raining or the botanical center or historical museum) and Friday is the afternoon & evening at Gma & Gpa Stout's home. Tim is getting a haircut after work from Mom Stout and then we are just vegging out and watching some more basketball together!

We are hoping to paint our room this weekend (FINALLY!) , but we'll see if the weather holds out. Also, this week I will be doing a lot of prepping for my long term sub gig that is coming up. I met with the teacher on Friday and she was dilated to 3 (she's not due until April 1st) and so we are pretty much thinking I should be starting next Monday! She has all of the lesson plans written for me and so I am able to study up before i go in! Whew...trying not to get overwhelmed, but it will all be okay! I just have to TRUST God for the strength for every moment as we make the adjustment to me being a full-time working mom for about 4-6 weeks! Prais ethe Lord for the extra mooolah to help with Christian school bills!!! :)

A Baby update: 25 weeks today! Everything is going great...just a little backache here and there when I try to do too much! Baby is LOW and moving a lot! My next appt is April 6th and that's when they'll check for gestational diabetes (I get to drink that yummy glucose drink! YUCKO!) and I will get my Rhogam shot- OUCHY!!!!
We are still not planning to find out the SEX of our little one until delivery....I ma sooooo excited to know and it makes me soooo excited for the delivery! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Well, this update is long overdue and I am not even sure where to start...

Tonight, Tim and some college guys (former students from the student ministry that we used to work with) lead worship for Youth Group tonight at church. In my biased opinion, they did a great job! Tim loves playing the drums for God's glory and he loves playing with this particular group of guys. Just last week, Tim went with these young men to see Kutless in concert in West Des Moines. THEY HAD A BLAST!

Speaking of last weekend, I headed home to Minnesota for a funeral of a young man from my home church. Derrik Kuschel, age 22, went home to be with Jesus on Saturday, March 3rd after a life-long battle with cystic fibrosis. Derrik NEVER EVER complained about his battle with CF, but instead used it to be a STRONG and FAITHFUL witness for Jesus Christ. You can read more about Derrik at his caring bridge website at

This funeral was so special to me b/c Derrik's family has had a major impact on my life. Jodi, Derrik's mom, was my junior girls Sunday School teacher. She was cooller than cool (for the 80s). She always wore high heels, had amazing hair and freshly manicured nails, and dressed so beautiful. Not only that she showed an interest in me and the other lowly "bus kids." Jodi and Albie, even hosted slumber parties, scary Halloween activities and one time she even took me to the mother-daughter banquet as her daughter! before the banquet she even took me to Herberger's and bought me a brand new dress! (it wasn't on sale either!) I loved that class and studying God's word with her. You would have never known that Derrik (her then little son) was so ill and had to take medicines and treatments everyday! Also Their boys (they had two sons, Dustin was the oldest and Derrik the younger) made an impact on my life, they always had matching outfits and to this day I believe that's why my girls always match!!! :)
My favorite memory of this family, is when they shared their newly adopted daughter, Ashley with us in the form of a party in the Sunday school class. The kitchen where we met was COVERED in PINK!!! It was a HOOT! Eventually I quit attending that church as a bus kid and I don't remember quite why, but after about a year out of church I ran into the Kuschel family at the bowling alley and they invited me to their new church (they had switched churches, too). I said sure and that was the beginning of a year stint of riding in the car with them to church. It was at this church God introduced me to my three bestest girlfriends (we've been through it all together: the GOOD, the BAD and the ugly!) who were able to be home for this funeral as well. Also, while attending this new church, God introduced me to my second parents, Rod and Cathy Veith! Whew---I can't even put into words what this family has meant to my life! After a year of riding with the Kuschels, they took over and they ever-so-patient as I grew to understand what it meant to be a godly young lady! I am still working on that part, but I PRAISE the LORD for their faithful and patient hearts! Mom and Dad Veith- I LOVE you and you are so special to me! THANK YOU! All of these wonderful things would not have happened in my life if the Kuschel family would not have reached out to me! Thank you for your selflessness!

**My friend Kim (she's the writer) wrote an amazing tribute to Derrik and his family and you can find it here: ***

okay...i will finish this up later...I am going to visit with my hubby and settle my thoughts down...remember I am a pregnant woman and sometimes things go blank or we get too emotional...thank you for your patience....

Friday, March 02, 2007

it's a Blizzard....

Here in central and northwest Iowa there is a blizzard going on. In DSM we only had a few inches of snow, but we are now experiencing 50 mph winds. They have closed all of the area schools and even some major businesse like Wells Fargo & BLue Cross BLue Shield are closed. They have shut done most of the interstate surrounding the DSM area and the DOT is not recommending ANY TRAVEL!

However, Tim still went into work today b/c we are trying save up our vacation time for when the baby comes and this August when Tim's brother and his family come from California! Also, Tim is headed to California in April to attend the Long Beach Grand Prix with his brothers and what a time they will have! It has truly been a blessing to see the LORD provide the $$ for this trip for him!

Today is a low key day! I am watching a friends kiddos today b/c her babysitters kids are sick...throwing up...YUCKO! It is a little helpful to have someone for the girls to play with today, but a HUGE BUMMER that we can't really go outside or anywhere for that matter. I am trying to use my teacher brain and brainstorm some fun things for us to do! We may build some indoor forts before luncha nd then having book time and movie hour after lunch!

Tomorrow...Lord willing...we are starting the remodeling of our room! We are getting the paint and brushes tomorrow am and we plan to paint it all tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully the girls will cooperate...we may go by them a new movie so that have a distraction while Tim & I work! I do all of the trim edges and cutting in and Tim does the rolling....we have a good system!

Well- the troops are getting restless!
Everyone- STAY WARM!

P.S> Kim I do not want to hear anymore about your green grass in Washington!!! :)