Tuesday, February 27, 2007

new template....

In honor of the Month of March (first day of spring, St.Patrick's Day, etc....) the gemplate is now Green....but the weather man says we have another winter storm headed our way starting tomorrow night through Friday! Ugh! I NEED A VACATION!

It's a new day....

Well today was a NEW day for me as a mom....i was home alone this morning! Morgan has started preschool 2 days a week to help get her adjusted to school before I start subbing full-time at G-view, covering a teacher's maternity leave, and she sarts attending full-time. It was just weird! I felt a little NAKED! However, it was nice to run to the grocery store by myself and take a little time to alley hoot and just enjoy looking around!

It was a wake-up call too b/c I know those days will be few and far between once the newest Stout arrives this summer. Not that I don't want this baby, it just reminded me of how some of my "freedom" will be taken away for a short time! I have learned one thing as a mom, TIME FLIES!

Well- the girls are ready to dinidh up baths and get their PJs on. Tim will be hoem soon! I made a yummy dinner tonight: Bruschetta Chicken bake from Kraft recipes and Cheddar Garlic Biscuits (like Red Lobster)...it's a favorite meal around here!

Monday, February 26, 2007

all talk....we've got no game!

yep...it's true! All talk about fixin' about the house and no action!


Well, with the weather as YUCKY as it was this weekend we didn't get much accomplished. We were planning to go out Saturday am to pick up supplies, but the weather had just barreled in so fast that we didn't get out. We praise the LORD that we kept our power all weekend, but we did lose our land phone line & Internet access from Saturday night until this am....I couldn't wait to check my e-mail this morning!!!! I felt so out of it! We did enjoy relaxing and vegging out. I had cleaned both Thursday and Friday this past week and I was zonked! Oh well, we'll try again this weekend. Oh and we did watch a triple header of basketball on Sunday! Ohhh....and the Oscars were fun to watch, but I fell asleep before they were over....they lasted FOREVER!!!!

One thought...we are repainting our sun porch....we have yellow now, any suggestions for a new color??? THANKS!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Good Morning!

Good morning! As you can see I am up before the troops this morning. Well, that's not entirely true b/c Tim left at six to go play b-ball with his church buddies. Anyway, I am up early b/c I couldn't sleep...not worried about anything, I think I am excited to get a jump on the day b/c we are doing some "little projects" around the house today! We are also going to the Homemaker's outlet to look around for a new coffee table b/c our broke the other day....it has a crack in it. I would love to order or go to IKEA b/c it would be cheaper, but we won't make it there anytime soon! Also, we are picking out blinds for our room, repaintig the baseboards on the porch and getting things ready out there to redo the ceiling soon! We are thinking about repainting the yellow color out there, but I am not sure to what yet! Here is a picture of what we want our bedroom to look like (we get to paint in a few weeks when the weather gets warmer and we can open some windows)... The walls will be all blue and I already have some similar bedding that I purchased at Target on Clearance a few months ago! Besides we already have the two kids and the puppy so this room fits us perfectly!

Well, the weather isn't helping us much these days! We have to stay indoors b/c the weather is turning NASTY! Rain today, ice tonight and SNOW tomorrow. 5-8 inches of snow tomorrow!!!!! We had a brief taste of Spring this week...it was mid-50s on Wednesday and so Morgan and I ran all over town with NO COATS on!!! I even bought the girls' Easter dresses!!! I was feeling a little inspired and they were on SALE! Also, it gives me some more time to find something to match them!!!!!!

Speaking of baby...we are doing great! We are 21 wks and 5 days today! My tummy is growing & this little one is a mover and a shaker these days. Last night he/she had the hiccups! I LOVE THAT FEELING!!!! God is sooooo good! We are getting ansty to KNOW what sex the baby is, but we are going to TRY and hold out and be surprised...we think we have the names nailed down so we're good. I am also getting antsy to buy a few things for this little one, but I think I will wait until all of the Spring clothes go to clearnace! Also, look out Des MOines area garage sales this summer, I will be in FULL FORCE!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

more snow??more cold??? BRING IT ON!!!

Why yes, we are still in the arctic circle here and today we added about 5 more inches of snow to this frozen tundra! As a result of the snow, Madison has a SNOW day from school which wea re all really bummed about b/c they (grades K-2) were headed to Ames to see Suessical. I am not sure if it will be rescheduled or not. Also, today Tim took a "sick" day and we are all home enjuoying vegging out and enjoying the day as a family! We had a Valentine's breakfast this morning....pink pancakes, decorative paper plates, napkins and cups, and we exchanged cards and Valentine gifts. I gave Tim a pre-paid coupon to pick up the new Toby Mac CD when it comes out next week and he gave me the newest Rascal Flatts CD (yes, I still am a country girl!) We gave the girls their present last Friday night...they got the video, High School Musical. It has been a great day so far! I think we really need these "days" off once in a while!

We are half way through this pregnancy now (20 weeks yesterday) and I am feeling SUPER! I am at the energy stage and ready to get things done around this place...I have been cleaning cupboards out, cleaning closets, organizing clothes that are upstairs in storage and I feel like have to get more done before I get into teaching in April through May! Also, I was motivated to CLEAN and DECLUTTER after watching Oprah last week. She has some guests who lived in clutter messes to say the least and that motivated me a ton! I am getting antsy to finish painting our room (the last room to get done since we moved into this place 4 1/2 years ago) and redo the inside of our front porch celing (we have to redo the track celing, but we are going to drywall it now). Other than that, not much to share. Please pray for my husband's sanity as I am sooooo motivated these days!!!

Well- time to get back to the family! Have a great day!

P.S> I cannot wait for SPRING! I even bought paper towels with Daisies on them b/c I needed a SPRING pick-me-up!!!!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

baby it's COLD outside......

arrrrrrghhhhhhh....I am getting so tired of the cold. It's sooooo cold we can't go sledding, ice skating or anything!!! It's hard to even go to the grocery store or Target and so Tim usually stops at one or the other on his way home from work. What a sweet hubby!

So other than school, work, cleaning jobs, and PBS kids there is not much to report!

Have a great Tuesday!