Tuesday, September 18, 2007

those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer....

Okay...the title of this Blog comes from Gilmore Girl Season 3 DVD that I have been watching in the evenings when I get some "down time." and that song "those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, " is still stuck in my head! :) Can you believe fall starts on Saturday?

Sorry, I haven't posted much lately, I am just busy being a mom and homemaker! Right now Mason is on a growth spurt and learning to go to sleep on his own. Morgan is still adjusting to having a baby brother....we have seen quite a bit of attitude, but we are workin' out the kinks to help her. Madison is enjoying school, although she did say she misses kindergarten. Also, last week she lost her two front teeth...the tooth fairy came and brought her $1 (for both teeth).

PRAISE! We got our new stove last Saturday! $150 and it has all of the same features as my old one! THANK YOU LORD!

Here are a few pics....