Monday, January 23, 2006

this is fun!

You Are a Frappacino
At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern
At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent
You drink coffee when: you're craving something sweet
Your caffeine addiction level: low
What Kind of Coffee Are You?

Friday, January 20, 2006

life happens while you're making plans....

Seriously...the Lord has taught me soooooo much this week and I am tired and learned! I had so many "plans" to keep the girls and me busy this week while Tim was gone to Nashville, but the Lord had another thing in mind...SICKNESS! Starting on Monday am I noticed a tickle/soreness in my throat and by Monday night it was like my throat was raw and open for the world to mock and injure. Tuesday and Wednesday I sat in a chair and did my best to care for my children as I could....I am so thankful that they LOVE videos and that they play sooooo well together. I observed lots of school and house! :) I really learned a lot about my girls and their interests this week. Also, they were soooooooo helpful (answering the phone, playing quietly, choosing to be kind to one another, and fixing meals (just kidding!)). Tim also had this CRAP while he was in Nashville. but we are all feeling MUCH better and well on our way to recovering from this VIRAL CRAP!

However, thank you Lord for teaching that there are times when REST and QUIET are much needed and sometime you just have to care for yourself and let LOVE do the rest!

Also, thank you to Grandma and Grandpa Stout for checking up on us frequently and taking the girls Tuesday pm so I could just rest! LOVE YOU!

Have a great weekend! Tim flys in at about 7:30 pm! Can't wait!
We ALL miss him VERY much!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

still gettin' into the new routine...

Yes... it has been a while since I have blogged, but as the title of this post suggests we have still been trying to get into the new routine: Tim at work (m,t,th 9-7, w-9-5, fri 9-3.), sharing one car, Maddie at school on M-W-F a.m., Jonna Bible Study on Tuesday mornings, Jonna tutoring on Wednesdays, church Wednesday nights. Girls are on a new schedule: no naps, baths at 5:30 and 6:00 pm and dinner at 7:15ish, play and read books with Dad for a 1/2 hour or so and go to bed. It's Ggggrrrrreeeeatttt! Tim and I love having about 2 hours in the evening together to talk, read, veg out, watch t.v. or work.

Tim is headed to Nashville tomorrow. He is going for training for his work. (no CT on Wednesday! Sorry Ryan!) His plane leaves DSM at 5:55 am and he will return Friday night about 8:00 p.m.. Should be good trip for him and don't worry about us girls I have BOOKED the schedule and we have plenty to do...see schedule above, plus I have sme playdates, I am teaching chapel on Friday at Grandview and some time at Grandma and Grandpa Stout's house.
We will miss Tim VERY MUCH!

Not much else to report...Tax season is rapidly approaching and we almost have all of our info to get the thing done! Praying for a good return...if any! Who knows!

Madison's sense of humor is really coming around...Yesterday I was making eggs and I asked who in this house eats eggs and she responded, "Mom, houses don't eat!" and she started laughing...she's a quick one! :) Morgan is spunky as ever and when she doesn't want to have rest time she says, "momma, I play on the porch, please?????" and of course I let her, but someday she will regret giving up "rest time."

Today Tim took the girls to the park- it's in the mid-50s and we have NO SNOW!!! HOORAY! but the forecast is for cold and 30 early in the week and a chance for snow---YUCK! I want to get away!!!


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year - It's 2006!

Greetings from the Stout house here in Des Moines. We are all finally glad to be back in the "routine" of our life- almost. Tim is back to work at Beneficial and loving it! He is heading to Nashville for some training courses in a couple of weeks and he is thrilled about that! I am loving the steady income and wonderful benefits! What a blessing to FINALLY have health, dental AND VISION for a a VERY LOW amount per month! The girls and I are taking it easy- Maddie back to school on Friday and Bible Study kicks off next Tuesday. I am also back to private tutoring every Monday and hopefully picking up one sub day a week. Every little bit helps, right???

We had a wonderful holiday season. It was great to get so much quality time with all of our family!!!! Zakery is quite the handsome gentleman and Evan is so inquisitive and Sydnie is just so calm and precious! Madison and Morgan do miss their cousins soooooo much! It was great to see my parents and my siblings and Tim's siblings- we are sooooo blessed.

New Year's Eve we went to Godfather's Pizza as a family for dinner, came home and watched a movie and the girls went to bed. Tim and I stayed up until 11:00 (toasted the New Year w/ New York and Dick Clark) and then we were off to bed! (church at 8:30 on Sunday) I am hoping that maybe next year we will be able to go out or have friends over or something. This year with all of the family stuff and traveling it snuck up on us!

New Year's resolutions????? Of course along with the rest of the country I want to exercise more & eat better. Tim and I are actually working through our famil goals, etc...we'll let you know more once we get them together!

May God's richest blessing reign upon all you read this blog!
God Bless,
The Stout family