Friday, September 30, 2005

Flu??? and clean-up....

Well, here I am these days trying to keep ahead of teh germ game and all to no avail... last night I had a bit of the stomach flu...that's all of the details I am going to give b/c otherwise you will end up with the tummy flu too...the frustrating thing is that I have been diligent about handwashing, lysoling the house and toys, and last night at Hy-Vee I even wiped down the cart (with the car on the front for the girls) with a sanitary wipe!!!! Ughhhhhh!
So this morning Tim took Madison to schoola nd then he and Morgan headed off to his offices in West Des Moines for 2 hours so he could finish up a few work items and so i could rest! What a fabulous husband God has blessed me with! They all arrived home at about 11:15 am and then Tim and the girls cleaned out our vehicles and played outside. they all had lunch about 12:30; I still did not feeling like eating anything. the girls took naps from2:30-5:30 and I rested. Tim ran an errand to ankeny and then he came home and we made chicken pasta for dinner. After dinner & clean-up we headed ona walk... visited with Sheila and baby isabella (8 months) and harley in Harley's driveway! All is well in the neighborhood and we found out that jeff (sheila's hubby) will be deployed to fort Riley, he teaches army stuff, for about another year. he is gone for about 2 weeks at a time and so we are just praying for opportunities to share Christ with them! Another year to keep showing her jesus by helping out with lawn mowing. etc.... from our visit we walked (Maddie and I ran-- that's soooooo fun!!!) to Grandma and Grandpa Stout's house! We had a great visit and they shared some apple pie with us that one of the ladies from their church brought over- Mom Stout is still struggling with her Shingles, but she is doing better daily! We arrived home about 9:00- did some general clean-up and then put the girls to bed! After that we cleaned up the attic b/c tomorrow is neiughborhood clean-up day- take your trash to the dump for no fees! :) Also, if we are going to have some construction up here soon- keep prayin'- then we had better everything ready to be moved to the basement. My scrapbook area still needs some major organizational help, but at least we have the rest completed. I also need to resort through all of our girls' outgrown clothing so that their little cousin Sydnie can take a good look at it all when she comes for Christmas and be able to take home a whole suitcase of used/new clothes!!!!

Now it's after midnight and with all of the cleaning I am a bit wound up and so i think I am going to showing and read a book to get myself tired.... tomorrow is housework and a few home improvement projects (painting the bathroom and hallway- long overdue) because we are hosting student ministry sponsor meeting Sunday afternoon....Jonna the perfectionist strikes again! have a great weekend....!

P.S. too lazy to spell-check tonight!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

a cool fall day and the mountain top

This morning we awoke to a cool rainy day! However, I did remember to close the windows, but even with a majority of the windows closed our home is staying about 71 degrees! I love fall! The past two days have been rather "normal" and relaxing. The girls are great, Tim is the best and we are just enjoying our life here on earth until Jesus comes to take us home! Praise God for these times of closeness to Him on the mountain! I am trying to just enjoy these moments and not look over my shoulder waiting for a trial, but that has been a unique challenge for me! I know God is not "out to get us" and that when we endure trials they are for our good and growth! Without them how would we realize we need to change and how awesome and great God truly is!

Not much else to type...The girls are napping and I am reading and relaxing. Tonight is church: Maddie at Awana Cubbies, Morgan in Little lambs & Tim and I serving the student ministry! Tim has been helping with the praise band and he loves it!!! He loves just being there for these students and loving them!

Well- time to get back to some e-mailing!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Fall---are you here????

Is fall here to stay??? Today we awoke to a less than 70 degree house b/c we had the windows open all night! However, no need to fret I did out the girls in their warm PJs. So far today has been a typical Monday; Tim @ work and NYL classes, Maddie preschool this morning, Jonna and Morgan hanging at home working on chores and laundry, the girls took good naps and now I am about to make dinner and then we'll take a walk or play outside for an hour or so.

We had a nice relaxing & fun weekend. Friday night we went to the G-view homecoming game- see previous post. Saturday morning Tim headed up to Faith to play a little basketball with some friends up there. It is an "outreach" ministry and each week one guy shares his testimony about what god has done and is doing in his life! Good! Saturday morning the girls and I did a few chores, watched Nick jr. on CBS and made a yummy brunch consisting of waffles, bacon and scrambled eggs. The rest of the day we all just vegged out watching college football and napping. After naps, we headed to Wendy's for dinner. While we were there we telling Maddie the name of our friends' (the seylers) new baby- malachi. We were helping her sound it out - Mal (us), mal(maddie) -uh (us), uh (maddie)- ki (us), "i can't say that verse" (maddie)! it was hilarious. After dinner we headed to Target and we were in the snack aisle and Tim and Morgan were goofin' around and talking a little loud and Maddie said matter of factly, "Dad, people are trying to SHOP!" Tim and I almost wet our pants b/c we were laughing so hard!!!! After Target we gathered ourselves and headed to Lowe's to price a toilet, tub, light fixtures, railing, etc... for the upstairs. I think Home Depot might have better prices and a better selection---we going there later this week. We stopped by Grandma and Grandpa Stout's afterward to check in on Grandma and her shingles- still in pain and not wanting to take her pain meds-- she is sooooo stubborn! Then we came home bathed the girls and headed for bed b/c we had church on Sunday!

yesterday we had our combined service (all 6 churches in the grace Fellowship- norwalk, Ankeny, us (grace des Moines), grace west, Woodward and Southside)at the convention center downtown and it was good. Junior Hill gave a salvation (typical evangelist) message. The Norwalk church led the worship and it was good. We are totally pumped about this 40 days of community and how God can and will use that in our lives, the lives of our brothers and sister at Grace Church and the lives of the unsaved in our communities. Please pray for our neighbors: Jeff, Sheila and Isabella (they live right next door and Jeff has been deployed to Iraq, serving in kansas teaching army guys stuff??), Harley (the handyman), kenny and his family (that's a book- not enough time), Mike (our other neighbor- single guy)! What a time for us to witness in our own Jerusalem! last night we had home small group and then we gave the girls baths and it was time for bed!

What an exciting life we lead! Now it's time to make dinner! Bible Study in the morning- cannot wait! HAVE A GREAT WEEK!

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Tim & Jonna at Amanda & Dan's Wedding in July
Thiis Madison's 2005-2006 School Picture
Preschool 4 @ Grandview Park Baptist School

Friday, September 23, 2005

It's been a while...busy schedule....

Greetings from the Stout house! Sorry I haven't posted our family highlights, but here goes....

I am so glad it is Friday today!!! We have had a busy week so far: Maddie school (on m-w-f mornings), Tim working, Tuesday I had Bible study and we are studying the book Philippians and I love it and I LOVE the ladies at my table- I am learning soo much!!!, Wednesday night church- Maddie in AWANA and Tim and I are serving in student ministry and we are all learning about eternal CPR- cultivating relationships and planting seeds of the Great Gospel of Christ, I subbed a half day on Wednesday in elementary P.E. at Westwood elementary in Ankeny- it was a blast, I subbed all day yesterday in 8th grade Math @ Southeast Polk. Tonight we are taking the girls to their first football game- that is going to be a blast! It is Grandview's homecoming tonight! They plan 8-man football and I have never watched an 8-man game before! Also, we are doing the whole tail-gating thing with some friends!!! FUN! The weather is supposed to be in the 60s and it will be under the lights and I hope we will be able to stay the whole game, but if not it will be GREAT! Praise the Lord we live so close!

We have started the official plans of remodeling upstairs and tomorrow I get to go shopping and price a toilet, sink, vanity, light fixtures, and an attic fan! I LOVE IT! I know it will be a messy process, but it will be fun to help our contractor (he is a friend of our from college to does remodeling as a side job- his real job is designing homes). I love doing handy house stuff! I am going to take before and after pictures for all to see!!!


Went to the G-view came tonight and it was a BLAST! It was a great night weather-wise and we had a blast watching our G-view boys play VERY WELL! They won 60 something to 30 something! We are so proud of them! We were able to visit with a ton of friends and family (in the family of God that is). I love spending QT with Tim and the girls! They loved watching the game - yelling de-fense, fumble, Go Grandview! and touchdown @ the appropriate times. They are a blast! Everyone kept commenting how much the girls are growing and that's when it really hits me that we have a 4 year-old and an almost 2 1/2 year-old. We cannot wait for next Friday's game- GO DEFENDERS!

Tomorrow is Saturday and Tim is playing b-ball up in Ankeny with some buddies from work and Faith friends. The girls and I plan to enjoy homemade waffles for breakfast, Nick Jr. (Dora, Blues Clues, Little Bill, and The Backyardigans) on CBS and doing house chores! Tomorrow afternoon while the girls nap and Tim watches college football- we are having a laundry folding party! Don't ya just want to hang out at our place! Whatever it takes to get caught up- with our busy schedule this week the laundry has suffered (aka not been done and rapidly covering the basement floor)! I am also hoping to get some scrapbooking in soon- I need to complete J&J Anderson's wedding book and get that in the mail, but I am waiting for some pics from the Anderson family that were taken at their Iowa reception, but I still could probably work on it!

Well- it's late and Tim and the girls are asleep and I need to hit the hay too!
Praise the Lord for a great week and a great family life here in Des Moines!
He has been so GREAT to us! What a mighty God we serve!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A professionally perspective...

Greetings from the Stout home-- Tomorrow is Friday--HOORAY!!!!!!
The past few days have been typical Stout mid-week: Maddie school, I subbed two half days (one at terrace and one at northwest= ankeny schools), Tim working and of course Wednesday church consisting of Awana and Student Ministry. Tonight we had a professional home builder come and evaluate our attic/dormer to give us some ideas, estimates and logistical building stuff information as we begin the research about whether or not finish the upstairs. It is going to cost a bundle ($45,000 for a professional) and so I do believe we will being hiring people who do it as a second job or recruiting friends to help!
Our contractor gave us valuable structural info and some GREAT ideas about how "fix-up" our upstairs room. The biggest problem is ceiling clearance- now if we were short that wouldn't be a problem but when your hubby is 6'5" that can possess a bit of a problem! The blessing is that there is a stack upstairs to help with heat and plumbing!!!!! PLEASE PRAY for wisdom for us in this area. We are in NO HURRY to finish the job- we want to do our best with our money and our beautiful home that GOD has given to us!!!!!

Okay-- I am going to vent for a minute---what is in the water around here or anywhere for that matter- almost every gal I know is pregnant or just had a baby! That's great for them, but we keep getting bombarded with questions like, "When do you plan to have another one?? What's the hold up???? Isn't it your turn??? Two years is a long time???" and so on and so forth! We are just simply walking in God's will and trusting HIM for every detail of our lives!!!!

Okay enough of that! Time to put the girls to bed!
Have a great FRIDAY!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What a great day today! this morning I went to my first week of first semester Bible Study, we were sick last week, and I am so excited about my group & our study of the book of Philippians! God has given me about six older ladies in my group and three ladies who are at my phase of life! EXCITING! I cannot wait to see how God will grow me through this study and through the relationships I build with these fellow God-followers! Tim spoke in Grandview chapel today! He misses being able to spend all of his time with students, but we are both thankful for the ways God has provided for us to still work with students without being in full-time youth ministry: Tim coaching b-ball @ grandview, speaking in chapel, youth sponsors at Grace and working with the students on wednesday nights, Jonna subbing at G-view, southeast polk and ankeny high schools!!!! The girls are napping AWESOME today and I am so thankful! I have spent the afternoon working on some paperwork and info gathering for my homeschooling family (i am a supervising teacher again this year and I love it!). Tonight is the Gilmore Girls season premiere and as soon as I finish this blog and posting a few pictures I will go downstairs start dinner and bake some kind of dessert to have during Gilmore Girls! What's Gilmore girls without dessert: it's like winter without snow! It rained today! Fall is coming--Hooray!

First Day of Preschool & Last Days of Summer

Maddie's First Day of Preschool
Madison & Morgan on Maddie's first day of school
Enjoying Uncle Dan and Aunt Amy's kiddie Pool!
Morgan- what a cute smile!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Finally- a post and lots to post about

Today we are recovering from our weekend! We finally arrived home at about 11:30 p.m.- after dropping off the rental car at the airport, etc....Heather's (my sister-in-law who is due Oct. 26th) shower went great on Saturday- Tim had an AWESOME time @ Promise Keepers! (Tim will write more about this!) The girls traveled great and we had a great trip!

Now it's back to reality and everyday life: Tim working, maddie at preschool m-w-f, I have Bible Study tomorrow, Wednesday night church, and 1/2 day subbing on Thursday in Ankeny! We have no weekend plans- just hang out and be family!

Funny story- last Thursday night after baths we were getting dried off and getting ready to puton lotion and I couldn't get the lotion out (Bath-n-body works tube) and all of the sudden it goobed out all over and Maddie said so matter of factly, "I didn't see that one comin'!!!" So funny!!!! Where does she learn that stuff???

Morgan is still a pistol, but she does so well at Manners! We were in Target on Friday (shopping with grandma Shogren _FUN!!!) and Morgie heard somebody sneeze and she said (rather loudly), "Bless You!" How sweet is that???? She had a great time with her other uncle Dan on Saturday night- she just loves men!!!! Trouble---YES---please pray!!!!!!

Ohhh- some exciting news--- Tim's brother, Dan, and his wife, Amy, are expecting through adoption... March 17! We are all on cloud nine and we are all trusting God for all of the details! Please pray for this too!!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Not just another weekend....

Greetings to all! It is Sunday evening and I haven't posted since Wednesday and so I have plenty to catch up on....

Thursday....a normal day @ the Stout home....The girls and I slept in a bit, as I am fighting a cold from being exposed to all those classroom germs already and YES! I am taking a multi-vitamin! Tim worked all day, I did housework and we just hung out... Ohhh then at about 4:00 p.m. I received a bouquet of flowers with a note attached telling us about a "special delivery" and to meet whoever at Stoney Creek Inn @ 3:00 p.m. on Labor Day...We know Dana nd Amy (tim's brother and wife) have something to do with it- Mom Stout received a bouquet also and so we are anxiously awaiting the DELIVERY!!!!!

Friday... I worked in Ankeny...I taught third grade , but the best part of the day was when I arrived and checked into my classroom I found out it was early dismissal (12:50 p.m. instead of 3:15 p.m.) day- hooray! A half day's work and a full day's pay! The kids were great! They had specials and I had no lunch duties so I was with them from 8:-10:45 (minus a 15 minute recess) and then they came back after lunch at 12:25ish and left at 12:50- what a day!!!! Tim & Morgan walked Maddie up to school about 8:00 am and picked her up at 11:00 and they went to Grandma Stout's house for lunch: Belgian waffles with strawberries and bacon! They love having lunch with grandma stout!
Friday night we went on a date with brad and Dana Sills. Jess Jarrell watched our kids at her apartment and we went out for 3 hours! b&D are hilarious and we love spending time with them We ate at Mondo's and went for Coffee at caribou! We picked up the kids at about 10:30 and we all came home and crashed!

Saturday... Tim was up and out the door by 7:00 am...He was headed to Iowa City to Kinnick stadium to watch the Home opener for the Iowa hawkeyes! Tim had never been to a live Hawkeye game and HE LOVED IT! Thanks nate Swanson and the Moulton clan!!!!!! The girls and I went to watch part of the game with Grandpa Stout and let the girls playa nd visit with Him. Then the girls and I headed to Target (I am waiting for some things to go on clearance) and we did lunch at Panera! Saturday night we headed out to Jordan & jessa anderson's wedding reception at Matt Johnson's home! WOW- what a beautiful home! We had a fabulous visit with the anderson clan! My girls love Jessa and she even danced with them and wrestled with them! We love that girl! Jordan and Jessa sang a bit for us all- Maddie loves it when she sings, All I Need, nd whenever it comes on the radio Maddie says, "Mom, listen it's Jessa." and the girls also sang along with them at parts- Jordan just kept smiling!!!! Also, the girls got their pictures taken with Jessa AND Jordan and Maddie even gave Jordan a hug goodbye! So sweet!!!! That family is AMAZING and we love them soooooooo much!!!! We praise God for the ministry they have to our girls and to us! They have just loved us sooo much and they will forever be soooooo special to us! Thank you Lord!

Sunday....We raced around getting ready b/c we thought we had to teach Madison's Sunday school class this morning and we get there and realize we teach NEXT week! It was great to sit in church with my hubby! Pastor Phil PREACHED the TRUTH and it was great! I was also encouraged and reminded how God is the God of second chances and no matter how often we mess up we can always start anew with Him (john 21:1-17). The rest of the day I napped, as I am now in the full blown head cold stage! YUKI! It will be better soon- lots of H2O, cough drops and ibuprofen! Tonight we ordered El Azteca for dinner and the girls are watching the Wiggles and I will close with Madison's made up song that she was singing this afternoon.....

"I love to pray, pray, pray,
everyday, day, day
In the morning or at night
when the sun is shining bright
when the moon is dark
I love to pray, pray, pray, pray , pray
because I love God & Jesus loves me...."