Monday, January 29, 2007's cold!

Argh...the weather has turned frigid...YUCKO! I hate it being so cold b/c it makes it soooo difficult to go anywhere. We enjoyed a quiet weekend indoors. Tim had a work day on Saturday and so the girls and I enjoyed a Pajama day and watched movies! That was fun. Sunday we awoke to 20 below zero and decided to snuggle back under the covers and not go anywhere! Other than that, not much to report...Baby #3 is growing... we are about 18 weeks, 22 weeks from today baby is due (July1st). I am feeling him/her move now...I have missed that sooooo much! Also, I feel like I am actually starting to get a "bump" now... am a little apprehensive to buy any maternity clothes b/c they are expensive & I have quite a time to go wearing them...also I have 3 seasons to go through...winter, spring and summer....Has anyone ever bought clothes on e-bay??? Were you statisfied???

Well time for preschool....I'll leave you with a few pics from last weekend'sfun in the SNOW!!!

P.S> Gpa Stout's surgery went great! He is healing well and should have even better sight as a result of this surgery! Praise the Lord.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Grandpa Stout

Our family has a prayer request...Tim's dad is having eye surgery today to repair his torn retina...please be in prayer for Gma and Gpa Stout as they go through this day and pray that we will trust the LORD for EVERYTHING!

Here is an e-mail from Gma Stout describing what is going on in Gpa Stout's eye,

"The prognosis of his eye is not good. There are at least 2 tears in the retina and an area that is detached. The Dr. described the detachment as wallpaper coming off the wall.
Surgery is tomorrow at 1:30 - Mercy Out-Patient, downtown. We need to be there at 12:00. The surgery will take 1 1/2 - 2 hrs. Dr. Haupert will use laser to repair the tears, put a band around the eyeball to bring the wall toward the retina, extract the vitreous (gel like substance that fills up the eyeball. This pulling away from the retina causes the problems.) and inject a gas bubble to push the retina back in place. He will have a patch overnight, then see the Dr. Thurs. in his office - which is out on 50th-Westown Pkw. He will also be required to keep his head in an upright position all the time, until the gas bubble dissolves - several days.Complete healing will take several months. A cataract will probably form and have to be removed sometime down the road. Hopefully, Dad will gain back most of his vision, but not to expect to have clear vision in that eye.I think Dad is handling this better than I am. But we must continually look to the Lord for strength and to be able to maintain a godly testimony to all we come in contact with through this experience."


Sunday, January 21, 2007


Happy Sunday! For the second week in a row we have awoke to SNOW! This time the snow was heavier and we got about 4 inches!!! Needless to say no church today for us...we are WHIMPS when it comes to going out in this stuff!!! Here is a pic of the outside of our house...check out how much snow the Lumina has on it...
Here are a few pics of Morgan's haircut from last Wednesday! She looks so grown up now!!! and her hair is much easier to fix!

Here are a few pics of our reading kindergartener...Madison is doing well...I think I remember reading that SAME book when I was her age...the copyright date is 1974!!! She will be bringing home these beginning reader books now every week....WOW...time sure flies!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

2007 pics....

Cabbage Patch Kids....they love 'em.

Stout Family 2007- this one includes our family pet, Lulu

Christmas Cowgirls

Playing outside on a crisp 50 degree day in JANUARY- Wa-hoo!!!!

it's 2007???? aghhhhhhh.............

Time is flying past here at the Stout house....I cannot believe the holidays have come and gone and Valentine's day is rapidly approaching....I love the colors: red, pink, purple..and after Valentine's Day it sometimes means that Spring is only a month to a month and half away.
This update is long overdue, but at last I have FINALLY found a moment to sit and share our Holiday photos and excursions with you all! WE had a WONDERFUL Christmas season! We headed to Minnesota for Christmas and we enjoyed time with not only my family Christmas Eve morning, but some of my extended Shogren family as well. It was sooooo SPECIAL to spend time with my Auntie Laura and Uncle Oscar in their home. THEY SPOILED US ALL!!! We also spent that day with their children & grandchildren (my cousins and second cousins), Chad,Terri & Julia and Steve, Jessica, & Oskar! We had a fabulous time! The girls LOVED spending time with their little cousins!!! Christmas day we hung out with my parents and just vegged out and the girls played the WHOLE day with all of their amazing gifts. We returned home for a few days of work and then on New Year's Day we celebrated with Tim's parents! Boy oh Boy, did we get spoiled! Grandma & Grandpa Stout spoiled the girls rotten, too!!!!
Overall, we had a very blessed holiday! My favorite memory was making a birthday cake for Jesus with my girls at Gma and Gpa Shogren's house. It was a holiday cake, with green frosting and holiday sprinkles, and we even put a candle on the top and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus!

Also, just an update on Baby #3, we are at 15 1/2 weeks and last week we heard it's heartbeat. It was being a little wiggler, it wouldn't hold still!!!! The heart rate was 148....hmmmm????? We are not planning on finding out the gender of this baby.....we are going to be surprised! The girls are PRAYING for a baby brother, and I know deep down Tim is hoping for a son, but whatever gender this baby is we will rejoice & say THANK YOU to our LORD for the indescribable gift!

The Stout family now.....

Madison is in school ALL day now and LOVING it! Tomorrow she has her first library day and today she was telling all about "circus tag" that they played in P.E. today.... She is even starting to read...WOWZA! Madison loves to play on the computer these days and we LIMIT her to 15 minutes a day...she plays on PBS kids, Nick Junior and a few educational sights that I have found.

Morgan is still spunky and GROWING like a weed....she is loving having Mommy to herself all day, but she really misses her big sister. We are still working on some preschool work at home, 2-3 days a week, and she knows and recognizes all of her colors, numbers, letters and shapes...She is almost writing her name all by herself! Morgan loves to dance and listen to music...Her favorite toy right is her sit & spin... b/c it plays fast, peppy dance tunes and she can hit and dance forever. She'll even say, "Just a minute Mom, this is my favorite song!"

I am still cleaning every week (1-2 days) and then watching a friends kids the other three...I will be done cleaning in February sometime and I am done babysitting then too. I am looking forward to getting back into subbing 1-2 days a week and just getting some house cleaning & projects done before I start subbing full-time (a teacher will be on maternity leave) at Madison's school in late March/ early April. We have nursery themes picked out for both a boy and a girl and we have "HELP" all arranged for after our new one arrives. In the next few months we will begin work on the basement...we are putting in a bedroom for the girls, a full bath and small family room and small laundry area. Our small group has volunteered to help us as much as POSSIBLE! Praise the LORD!!!

Tim is doing GREAT at work and he is really enjoying his new job. I can't believe he has been with Beneficial for over a year now! Tim is busy being a great hubby and father. He LOVES taking the girls on "dates" to Petsmart and Target and sometimes out for ice cream or hot cocoa. He is playing basketball every Saturday and He is lovin' that! I wish he didn't work so late on M-T-TH nights (he works 9-7:30), but it'll be okay once it gets light out again.

Well- this is a book! Pics to follow.....