Monday, April 30, 2007

A loose belongs to the Tooth fairy.

Well, today we experienced a first in the Stout house...a LOOSE tooth that will become Tooth fairy property! Madison lost her first tooth today- WOW!

here are a few pics...

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy 4th Birthday, Morgan! & Happy Easter!

This weekend was a busy one, we celebrated Morgan's birthday on Saturday (her real b-day date) and Easter on Sunday. Other than the chilly (okay windy and freezing) weather which put a damper on some of our plans, we had a great weekend. On Saturday, we enjoyed a pancake and egg breakfast in the morning and a pizza party,cake and present time in the evening with Uncle Dan, Aunt Amy and cousin Kylie. Grandma and Grandpa Stout couldn't make b/c they had to go out of town for a funeral. Grandpa Stout's brother, Tim's Uncle, Bernard, passed away last week and the funeral was in Ohio. On Sunday, we went to church, came home hid Easter eggs inside, and had a lovely ham dinner with mashed potatoes, corn and leftover b-day cake for dessert! After lunch we all crashed and took really good naps, watched Zach Johnson (an Iowa boy) win the Master's (big golf tourney, I graded papers for school, and then we took a quick trip to Hy-Vee for a few things. While we were there, we saw eight deer come out the woods looking lost and hungry! The girls loved watching them and they could've stayed watching them ALL NIGHT!

Today, it was back to school and 28 weeks of pregnancy! We are in the hoem stretch...aka the third trimester! HOORAY! We can't wait to meet our little one and find out if he/she is a he or a she! We are soooo excited! We had our check-up last Friday (went well and the shot went great...I wasn't even sore :))and his/her heart rate was 135...a lot slower than the girls who ran in the 150s to 160s most of the time.....HMMMMMM......could it really be a boy???? Either gender we will PRAISE GOD for this special addition to our family!

Here are a few pics from our celebrations....

Sunday, April 01, 2007

We did it, we did it, we did it, HOORAY!

Okay in the words of Dora the Explorer...WE DID IT! We FINALLY painted our room!
Although we still have decoration things to finish up and buy...I am just glad it is finally done! Here are a few pics (it's a counter-clockwise trip around our room)...