Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Update on the girls....

Madison...LOVES school and she is learning a lot of sight words...Color words like black, red, white, etc... And she is also learning simple reading words like bat, cat, sat and other simple families. She seems to be doing okay with her handwriting...We have been doing some extra practice here at home to help her improve. We are also busy reading, reading , and reading for BOOK-IT (the Pizza Hut reading reward program), but she only has to read or be read to a total of 5 books a week. We exceed that goal by at least 5-10 books every week! Madison coloring skills are great! She loves to color and she is just getting so precise with it! We have parent/teacher conferences next week so I am very interested to see how she is doing socially and academically. Other than school, Madison is doing great! We are working on body control and consistent obedience instead of ALWAYS trying to bargain with us...Although that is
acceptable at should not be the norm and sometimes it is so EASY for US to let her get away with it! So really it's more about Tim and me being consistent!

Morgan...busy as ever...some mornings she play ballerina and watches a video while Iwork on mychores like balancing the checkbook, housework and/ or try catch up on some e-mails....she loves her mornings at home with Mommy...she likes to play by herself and just have her SPACE...we work on school here & there (I shoot for 2 days a week)..she knows all of her shapes, colors, numbers and she recognizes most letters. She is speaking wonderfully and learning to obey right away without dleaya nd without whining...Morgan is our impatient one. When she asks for something she wants it NOW and she keeps asking and asking and whining....she is having trouble waiting...

For example, "Mommmy can have milk, please?"
"Sure, Morgan."
now I am at the fridge filling her cup.....
"Mommmy....MILK,,,,,MOMMMY MILK!!!!!"
"Morgan, I am working on it...please be patient!"
"Mommmy....MILK,,,,,MOMMMY MILK!!!!!"
"Morgan, look at Momma, what am I doing right now???
THat's right, I'll have it to you in just a second!"
and then you give her her milk and she says,
"THANK YOU, MOMMA." and melts your heart!

Just need to keep teaching that area just like GOD works on our bad spots repeatedly! Morgan LOVES going to Grandma Stout's one day week! They (the girls and Grandma & grandpa) LOVE their FRIDAYS together. I LOVE that they LOVE grandma's house! Grandmas are the best babysitters EVER! Last week while they were there...they caught a preying mantis and spent the day studying it and watching it eat. etc... WOW!!!! Good thing Grandma doesn't mind insects b/c thanks for me!

However, We LOVE just doing things as a family! two Saturdays ago we went to an apple orchard/ pumpkin patch...the girls loved the chickens, riding the tractor, picking apples and pumpkins and playing in the corn maze! Last Friday the girls and I ran all over town to different consignment shops looking for Halloween costumes and some winter sweaters and sweatshirts for the girls! The girls loved it b/c each store has a little play area and so while I shopped they PLAYED! Although, we didn't have much shopping luck...we still had a fun day! This weekend it's going to be cool and we will probably be indoors or finishing up the fall yardwork...raking leaves, mowing the grass and maybe even have a fire in the firepit in the backyard!

I start cleaing houses this week with my friend, April (pregnant and due in Jan.) and in the beginningof November I will take over on Thurs & Fridays by myself! I have childcare all worked out! Praise the LORD!

Tim is doing well at work...they went paintballing last Friday! He had fun, but he is a little sore and stiff from all of the activity!

We are looking forward to the holidays....we can't wait to see Dheaven & Zak and their parents in 5 weeks! Also, the girls are really starting to
miss Grandma and Grandpa Shogren...we haven't seen them since mid-August!